pu71n@pu71n.github.io:/$ cat The Bourne Shell: /bin/sh

The shell is one of the most important parts of a Unix system. A shell is a program that runs commands, like the ones that users enter. The shell also serves as a small programming environment. There are many different Unix shells, but all derive several of their features from the Bourne sell (/bin/sh), a standard shell developed at Bell Labs for early versions of Unix. Every Unix system need the Bourne shell in order to function correctly. Linux uses an enhanced version of the Bourne shell called bash or the “Bourne-again” shell. The bash shell is the default shell on most Linux distributions, and /bin/sh is normally a link to bash on a linux system.

Standard Input and Standard Output

Unix processes use I/O streams to read and write data. Processes read data from input streams and write data to output streams. Streams are very flexible. For example, the source of an input stream can be a file, a device, a terminal, or even the output stream from another process. Standard input and output are often abbreviated as stdin and stdout. There is a third standard I/O stream called standard error abbreviated as stderr.

Shell Globbing (Wildcards)

The shell can match simple patterns to file and directory names, a process known as globbing. This is similar to the concept of wildcards in other systems. The simplest of these is the glob character *, which tells the shell to match any number of arbitrary characters. For example, this command “echo *” prints a list of files in the current directory. The shell matches arguments contaning globs to filenames, substitutes the filnames for those arguments, and then run the revised command line. The substituions is called expansion because the sehell subtitutes all matching filenames. Here are some ways to use * to expand filenames :

Another shell glob charcter, the question mark ‘?’, instructs the shell to match exactly one arbitrary character.

Intermediate Commands

Dot Files

Change to your home directory, take a look around with ls, and then run ls -a. Do you see the difference in the output? When you run ls without -a, you won’t see the configuration files called dot files. These are files and directories whose names begin with a dot (.). Common dot files are .bashrc and .login, and there are dot directories, too, such as .ssh. There is nothing special about dot files or directories. Some programs don’t show them by default so that you won’t see a complete mess when listing the contents of your home directory. In addition shell globs don’t match dot files unless you explicitly use a pattern such as .*.

Environment and Shell Variables

The shell can store temporary variables, called shell variables, containing the values of text strings. Shell variables are very usefull for keeping track of values in scripts, and some shell variables control the way the shell behaves. (For example; the bash shell reads the PS1 variable before displaying the prompr.) To assign a value to a shell variable, use the equal sign (=). An environment variable is like a shell variable, but it’s not specific to shell. Al processes on Unix systems have environment variable storage. The main difference between environment and shell variables is that the operating system passes all of your shell’s environment variables to program that shell runs, whereas shell variables cannot be accessed in the commands that you run. Assign an environment variable with the shell’s export command. Environment variables are useful because many programs read them for configuration and options.

The Command Path

PATH is a special environment variable that contains the command path. A command path is a list of system directories that the shell searches when trying to locate a command. For example, when you run ls, the shell searches the directories listed in PATH for the ls program. If programs with the same name appear in several directories in the path, the shell runs the first matching program. If you run echo $PATH, you’ll see that the path components are seperated by colons (:). To tell the shell to look in more places for programs, change the PATH environment variable.

Special Characters

| Character | Name                         | Uses                                        |
| \*         | Asterisk                     | Regular expression, glob character          |
| .         | dot                          | Current directory, file/ hostname delimiter |
| !         | bang                         | Negation, command history                   |
| |         | pipe                         | Command pipes                               |
| /         | (forward) slash              | Directory delimiter, search command         |
| \         | backslash                    | Literals, macros  (never directories)       |
| $         | dollar                       | Variable denotation, end of line            |
| '         | tick, (single) quote         | Literal strings                             |
| \`         | backtick, backquote          | Command substitution                        |
| "         | double quote                 | Semi-literal strings                        |
| ^         | caret                        | Negation, beginning of line                 |
| ~         | tilde, squiggle              | Negation, directory shortcut                |
| #         | hash, sharp, pound           | Comments, preprocessor, substitutions       |
| [ ]       | (square) brackets            | Ranges                                      |
| { }       | braces, (curly) brackets     | Statement blocks, ranges                    |
| \_         | underscore, under            | Cheap substitute for a space                |

Command-Line Editing

As you play with the shell, notice that you can edit the command line using the left and right arrow keys, as well as page through previous commands using the up and down arrows. This is a standard on most Linux systems. However, it’s a good idea to forget about the arrow keys and use control key sequences instead.

| Keystroke     | Action                                            |
| Ctrl-B        | Move the cursor left                              |
| Ctrl-F        | Move the cursor right                             |
| Ctrl-P        | View the previous command (or move the cursor up) |
| Ctrl-N        | View the next command (or move the cursor down)   |
| Ctrl-A        | Move the cursor to the beginning of the line      |
| Ctrl-E        | Move the cursor to the end of the line            |
| Ctrl-W        | Erase the preceding word                          |
| Ctrl-U        | Erase from cursor to beginning of line            |
| Ctrl-K        | Erase from cursor to end of line                  |
| Ctrl-Y        | Paste erased text (for example, from Ctrl-U       |

Getting Online Help

Linux systems comes with a wealth of documentation. For basic commands, the manual pages (or man pages) will tell you what you need to know. Most manual pages concentrate primarily on reference information, perhaps with some examples and cross-references, but that’s about. Don’t expect a tutorial, and don’t expect an engaging litery style. When programs have many options, the manual page often lists the options in some systematic way (for example, in alphabetical order), but it won’t tell you what the important ones are. To search for a manual page by keyword, use the -k option. Manual pages are referenced by numbered sections. When someone regers to a manual page, the section number appears in parentheses next to the name.

| Section   | Description                                                          |
| 1         | User commands                                                        |
| 2         | System calls                                                         |
| 3         | Higher-level Unix programming library documentation                  |
| 4         | Device interface and driver information                              |
| 5         | File descriptions (system configuration files)                       |
| 6         | Games                                                                |
| 7         | File formats, conventions, and encodings (ASCII, suffixes and so on) |
| 8         | System commands and servers                                          |

You can select a manual page by section, which is sometimes important because man displays the first manual page that it finds when matching a particular search term.

Shell Input and Output

To send the output of command to a file instead of the terminal, use > redirection character. — $ command > file — The shell creates file if it does not already exist, If it exists, the shell erases (clobbers) the original file first. (Some shells have parameters that prevent clobbering. For example, enter set -C to avoid clobbering in bash) You can append the output instead of overwriting it with the » redirection syntax: — $ command » file — This is a handy way to collect output in one place when executing sequences of related commands. To send the standard output of a command to the standard input of another command, use the pipe character (|).

Standard Error

Occasionally, you may redirect standard output but find that the program still prints something to the terminal. This is called standard error (stderr); it’s an additional output stream for diagnostics and debugging. For example :

ls /pu71n > f ls: cannot access /pu71n: No such file or directory

After compilation, f should be empty, but you still see the following error message on the terminal as standard error. You can redirect it to an another file with (2> e); The number 2 specifies the stream ID that the shell modifies. Stream ID 1 is standard output (the default), and 2 is standard error.

Standard Input Redirection

To channel a file to a program’s standard input, use the < operator:

$ head < /proc/cpuinfo

You will occasionally run into a program that requires this type of redirection, but because most Unix commands accept filenames as arguments, this isn’t very common. For example, the preceding command could have been written as head /proc/cpuinfo

Understanding Error Messages

When you encounter a problem on a Unix-Like system such as Linux, you must read the error message. Unlike messages from other operating systems, Unix errors usually tell you exactly what went wrong. Many errors that you’ll encounter in Unix programs result from things that can go wrong with files and processes. Here’s an error message hit parade:

Listing and Manipulating Processes

A process is a running program, each process on the system han a numeric process ID (PID). To list the running processes, run ps on the command line.

PID TTY STAT TIME CMD 30313 pts/4 R 00:00:00 ps 31693 pts/4 R 00:00:00 bash

The fiels are as follows :

Comand Options :

  1. ps x : Show all of your running processes.
  2. ps ax : Show all processes on the system, not just the ones you own.
  3. ps u : Include more detailed information on processes.
  4. ps w : Show full command names, not just what fitls on one line.

To check a specific process, add its PID to the argument list of the ps command. For example, to inspect the current shell process, you could use ps u is a shell variable that evaluates to the current shell’s PID.

Killing Processes

To terminate a process, send it a signal with the kill command. A signal is a message to a process from the kernel. When you run kill, you’re asking the kernel to send a signal to another process. In most casesn all you need to do is this: — $ kill pid — There are many types of signals. The default is TERM, or terminate. You can send different signals by adding an extra option to kill. For example, to freeze a process instead of terminating it, use Stop signa: — $ kill -STOP pid — A stopped process is still in memory, ready to pick up where it left off. Use the CONT signal to continue running the process again: — $ kill -CONT pid — Note : Using the CTRL-C to terminate a process that is running in the current terminal is the same as using kill to end the process wiht the INT (interrupt) signal. The most brutal way to terminate a process is with the KILL signal. Other signals give the process a change to clean up after itself, but KILL does not. The operating system terminates the process and forcibly removes it from memory. Use this as a last resort. You may see other users entering numbers instead of names with kill; for example, kill -9 instead of kill -KILL. This is because the kernel uses numbers to denote the different signals.

Background Processes

Normally, when you run a Unix command from the shell, you don’t get the shell prompt back until the program finished executing. However, you can detach a process from the shell and put it in the “background” with the ampersand (&); this gives you the prompt back. For example, if you have a large file that you need to decompress with gunzip, and you want to do some other stuff while it’s running, run a command like this one: — $ gunzip file.gz & — The shell should respond by printing the PID of the new background process, and the prompt should return immediately so that you continue working. The process with continue to run after you log out.The dark side of running background processes is that they may excpect to work with the standard input (or worse, read directly from the terminal). If a program tries to read something from the standard input when it’s in the background, it can freeze or terminate.

Files Modes and Permissions

Every Unix file has a set of permissions that determine whether you can read, write, or run the file. Running ls -l displays the permissions. The file’s mode represents the file’s permissions and some extra information. There are four parts to the mode : Type: It’s the first character of the mode. It can be a dash (-) which means it’s a regular file, nothing special about it. This is by far the most common kind of file. Directories are also common and are indicated by a (d). The rest of a file’s mode contains the permissions, which break down into three sets: user, group, and other, in that order. Each permission set can contain four basic representations:

Some executables files have an s in the user persmissions listing instead of an x. This indicated that the executable is setuid, meaning that when you execute the program, it runs as though the file owner is the user instead of you. Many programs use this setuid bit to run as root in order to get privileges they need to change system files. One example is the passwrd program, which need to change the /etc/passwd file.

Modifying Permissions

To change permissions, use the chmod command. First, pick the set of permissions that you want to change, and then pick the bit to change. For example, to add group (g) and world (o, for “other”) read (r) permissions to file, you could run these two commands:

$ chmod g+r file $ chmod o+r file

or you could do it all in one shot :

$ chmod go+r file

To remove these permissions, use go-r instead. You may sometimes see people changing permissions with numbers, for example :

$ chmod 644 file

This is called an absolute change because it sets all permissions buts at once. To understand how this works, you need to know how to represent the permission bits in octal form (each numeral represents a number in base 8 and corresponds to a permission set). See the chmod(1) manual page for more.

Directories also have permissions. You can list the contents of a directory if it’s readable, but you can only access a file in a directory if the directory if the directory is executable. Finally, you can specify a set of default permissions with the umask shell command, which applies a predefined set of permissions to any new file you create. In general, use umask 022 if you want everyone to be able to see all of the files and directories that you create, and use umask 077 if you don’t.

A symbolic link is a file that points to another file or a directory, effectively creating an alias (like a shortcut in Windows). Symbolic links offer quick access to obscure directory paths. In a long directory listing, symbolic links look like this (notice the 1 as the file type in the file mode):

lrwxrwxrwx 1 ruser users 11 Feb 27 13:52 somedir -> /home/origdir

If you try to access somedir in this directory, the system gives you /home/origdir instead. Symbolic links are simply names that point to each other names.

To create a symbolic link from the target to linkname use ln-s:

$ ln -s target linkname

Archiving and Compressing Files

$ tar cvf archive.tar file1 file2 …

Archives created by tar usually have a .tar suffix. The c flag activates create mode. The v flag activates verbose diagnostic output, causing tar to print the names of the files and directories in the archive when it encounters them. Adding another v causes tar to print the details such as file size and persmissions. If you don’t want tar to tell you what’s going on, omit the v flag. The f flag denotes the file option. The next argument on the command line after the f flag must be the archive file for tar to create. You must use this option followed by a filename all the times, except with tape drives. To use standard input or output, enter a dash (-) instead of the filename.

To unpack a .tar file with tar use the x flag:

$ tar xvf archive.tar

x stands for extract. You can extract individual parts of the archive by entering the names of the parts at the end of the command line, but you must know their exact names.

Table-of-Contents Mode: Before unpacking, it’s usually a good idea to check the contents of a .tar file with the table-of-contents mode by using the t flag instead of x flag. When unpacking, consider using the p option to preserve permissions.

Compressed Archives (.tar.gz)

To unpack a compressed archive, work from the right side to the left; get rid of the .gz first and then worry about the .tar.

$ gunzip file.tar.gz $ tar xvf file.tar

But, that method isn’t the fastest or most efficient way to invoke tar on a compressed archive, and it wastes disk space and kernel I/O time. A better wat is to combine archival and compression functions with a pipeline. For example, this command pipeline unpacks .tar.gz file :

$ zcat file.tar.gz | tar xvf -

The zcat command is the same as gunzip -dc. The -d option decompresses and the -c option sends the result to standard output. Because it’s so common to use zcat, the version of tar that comes with Linux has a shortcut. You can use z as an option to automatically invoke gzip on the archive.

$ tar ztvf file.tar.gz

Other Compression Utilites : Another compression program in Unix is bzip2, whose compressed files end with .bz2. While marginally slower than gzip, bzip2 often compacts text files a little more, and it is therefore increasingly popular in the distribution of the source code. The decompressing program to use is bunzip2, and the options of both components are close enough to those of gzip, the decompression option for tar is j. A new compression program named xz is also gaining popularity. The corresponding decompression program is unxz, and the arguments are similar to those of gzip.